About Us

Bay Area Testing & Consulting, LLC (BATC) was established as an independent construction materials and quality control testing company in 2010.  The current owners, Jake and Lynn Franzmeier took over in 2015.  Jake has a degree in Civil Engineering and is licensed by the State of Wisconsin as a Professional Engineer with a Geotechnical emphasis. Jake has over fifteen years of experience working in the construction industry and has been with BATC since its inception.  Jake is the Field Operations Manager and Lab Supervisor of BATC.  He is also BATC’s Radiation Safety Officer and Chief Quality Control Officer for the WisDOT Laboratory Certification.  Lynn has a law degree from Hamline University School of Law and spent almost ten years working in the legislative offices of a local government before joining BATC on a full-time basis as the Office Manager.  Lynn is responsible for the day-to-day operations of BATC, which includes client reports, accounting, and employee matters.


One or more of our employees have the following certifications:

  • ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade I
  • S. DOT HAZMAT Certification for Portable Nuclear Gauges
  • Soil Moisture/Density Operator – Troxler Electronics Labs, Inc.
  • WisDOT Certifications:
    • Aggtec-I
    • ATTS
    • Concrete Strength Testing
    • Grading
    • Hot Mix Asphalt: HMA – IPT, HMA – TPC
    • Nucdensity
    • PCC Tec I and PCC Tec II
    • TMS


In addition to being WBE Certified by the State of Wisconsin, BATC is on the WisDOT Official List of Qualified Industry and Consultant Laboratories and holds a Radioactive Materials License from the State of Wisconsin.  BATC follows the requirements of AASHTO R-18 and the basic requirements of ASTM E329 and participates in the AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL) Proficiency Sample Program for Coarse Aggregate.  BATC is also a member of Wisconsin Ready Mixed Concrete Association and Wisconsin Independent Businesses.